Gone But Never Forgotten....
We have all heard of the 5 stages of grief from the Kubler-Ross model:
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. When I got the phone call two and half years ago from my parents that my mom was diagnosed with dementia/Alzheimer's , I felt a flood of emotions. I felt fear, sadness, numbness, and the desire to learn everything I could about the disease.
I spent the next six months not in denial, I had already denied when signs years earlier that something was wrong. I spent that time watching every YouTube video and vlogs that could help me know more. There was a quote from a man who started "Molly's Movement" website that has always stuck with me to describe what happens to our loved ones that have dementia. He said, "Picture a chalkboard with everything written that you can do on it , and then every couple of months something get erased never to be written on that board again. You forget everything you've done your whole life all because your brain is dying."
I learned so much in that time. I went for my first visit out to Utah. She could still talk, walk, but she could no longer drive. I remember our first conversation. She told me how scared she was and minutes later forget what she had just told me. The moment I truly saw the reality of this disease was when I needed help sewing on her sewing machine. She stood there looking at it and didn't know what to do. She was an amazing seamstress and now she could help me thread a bobbin. It was upsetting. Fast forward to the next visit, 8 months later. My dad had planned a surprise birthday gift to have all us kids for her birthday. I was nervous she might not recognize me. She was declining faster than the doctors thought. She was having trouble walking, but she could still talk and feed herself. The minute I walked in the room, she screamed "Debbie!" She totally remembered me. What a relief! As days pasted, I would be cooking in the kitchen; she would look at me and stare. I can only image she must be wondering who that beautiful woman was standing in the kitchen. Hehee.
Time passed and more things had been erased from the chalkboard. Seven months later, I was out for another family visit. This time she barely spoke, she was having difficulty chewing and was using a wheelchair. My heart broke. The day and night terrors were finally gone and at least she did say my name. I knew that this was probably the last time to tell her some important things before I was erased.
In the book, Successful Marriages and Families:Proclamation Principals and Research Principles by Alan J. Hawks, it shares "Senselessness and meaning:
the search for meaning is one of the most common themes in research of experiences in adversity.(Robinson, et al., 2005) Human beings have a natural need to find meaning in life and make sense of painful experiences. At first, its natural to question the apparent senselessness and futility adversity." This is right where I was after this trip. Why was there a need for her to suffer like this? Why was I being asked to watch this? I was angry. I cried out in prayer for God to stop this suffering. Trying to bargain with the Lord, but no answer came, untl one day I was reading in Alma 14:10-11. Amulek is asking Alma, about the women and children that were being cast into the fire, "let us stretch for our hands, and exercise the power of God and save them from the flames." Alma said No the spirit would not let him. They had to watch people they loved suffer without being able to do anything either. It brought me peace to know that I wasn't alone.
It's now been a month since I lost my mom. I'm not angry anymore. I'm not trying to bargain. I am reflecting though on Good memories. I said that I had some important things to tell my mom. Well, when I had a moment alone, I reminded her, from the family proclamation that, "The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be
perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available
in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the
presence of God and for families to be united eternally." I told her I loved her and she tried to say something back. I knew.
I received a book from a dear friend during all this called "The Remember Balloons." I now hold all her stories and memories, so that even though she's gone, she's never forgotten.
Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth, On Death and Dying, Scribner, New York, 1969
Hawks, Alan J.,(2016) Successful Marriages and Families: Proclamation Principals and Research Principles, Provo,Utah, BYU studies
The Family: A Proclamation to the World, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1995