Saturday, June 1, 2019

16 Going on 17

16 Going on 17- Let's Date!

So I hadn't intended on writing anything on this subject matter because Cody, my youngest son, really hadn't shown any interest in dating.  But because of good friends and a lot of prodding, he asked a girl to the spring formal for our stake.

I love that the Church has given the youth so much guidance to help them begin on the right path to an eternal marriage.  In the For the Strength of Youth, it states: "A date is a planned activity that allows a young man and a young woman to get to know each other better. In cultures where dating is acceptable, it can help you learn and practice social skills, develop friendships, have wholesome fun, and eventually find an eternal companion."

Last week in our Family 100 class, there were so many great articles about dating.  So we incorporated on of the talks into our Family Home Evening lesson.  The article was titled "Becoming a Quality Person Now". I loved that Elder Ashton quoted from a friend, Carol Clark, who said "the personal challenge is not to wait successfully but to live richly, fully, and joyfully. The goal is not to wait for the right person but to be the right person".  I love that.  I shared that some thought with my seminary class when we talked about the doctrine of marriage. The lesson involved how we can be the kind of person someone would want to date and eventually marry.

 "Young men and women more often "hang out" rather than go on planned dates.  Young adults often report finding that even when they hang out with someone over a period of time, they still do not know if they are a couple". (Hawkins, pg.5)  After reading Chapter 1 of our course textbook, I have been encouraging Cody to take girls on traditional dates versus hanging out.  I want to said a pattern now while he has just begun! Last night he had a second date.  I know there is more to come.  I'm probably more excited about it than he is, but again so grateful that through this process he has good friends, good standards, and an eternal perspective!
Hawkins, A., Dollahite, D., Draper, T.,(2016) Successful Marriages and Families: Proclamation Principles and Research Perspectives,Provo,Utah, BYU Studies

Ashton, Marvin J.,(2010,April) "Becoming a Quality Person Now", Ensign, p. 28-29

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